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Ship's Gallery||Reunions||OZ Memorabilia

- 2003 Reunion -

San Antonio, TX
Welcome/Alamo Tour||Memorial/Historic Sites||Banquet
(click on images for larger view)


USS Ozbourn 2003 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2003 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2003 Reunion
Paul Logan (46-47) opens the traditional memorial service.Paul Logan (46-47)reads names of deceased shipmates while the late W.D. Minter (52-55) rings the bell.The late W.D. Minter (52-55) addresses the group.
USS Ozbourn 2003 Reunion
At the memorial service Joseph Ozbourn's granddaughter, Lynne Rone, sits with three of Ozbourn's Marine shopmtes, Eddie Newman, O. B. Freeman, and Herman Schwab.

Historic Sites

USS Ozbourn 2003 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2003 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2003 Reunion
Japanese tank at the Pacific War Museum, Fredericksburg, Texas.A replica (we hope!) of the atomic bomb, "Fat Boy" at the Pacific War Museum, Fredericksburg, Texas.Early family home at the LBJ Ranch, Johnson City, Texas.
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