About the Association
- NAME: The name of the organization is the USS OZBOURN ASSOCIATION, hereinafter referred to as the Association.
- PURPOSE: The purpose of the Association is to further the friendship, camaraderie, fellowship, association and communication between its members on a non-profit basis.
- MEMBERSHIP: Regular membership in the Association is limited to those members of the Naval Service who served on board USS OZBOURN (DD 846) during the period of her commissioned service as a ship of the United States Navy. The wives and widows of those who served are associate members. Honorary members of the Association may be elected by a majority vote of the elected officers of the Association or by a majority vote of the regular members attending a reunion.
USS OZBOURN (DD 846) Association Officers:
President - Guy Posey
Vice President - Harold “Mac” McKeehan
Recording Secretary - Ken Keene
Corresponding Secretary - Jeff Parker
Treasurer - Mike Ward
Fireball! Editor - Jeff Parker
Historian - Mike Ward
Editorial Office:
Jeff Parker
1036 Calle Venezia
San Clemente, CA. 92672-6043
E-mail Address:
Presidents, USS Ozbourn Association
Robert C. Whitten: 1993-1999
William D. Minter: 1999-2003
Rudolph Boff: 2003-2007
Guy Posey: 2007