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Ship's Gallery||Reunions||OZ Memorabilia

- 2001 Reunion -

Skeekonk, MA
Hospitality Room/Tour||Boston Navy Yard/JFK Library||Meeting/Banquet/Farewell
(click on images for larger view)

Hospitality Room

USS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 Reunion
Philip and Ernestine Ihme check in and receive their reunion packet from Warren Zschach and Robert BarrJames and Audrey Burlingame check in for the first Ozbourn ReunionA scene from the popular hospitality room
USS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 Reunion
Ken Keene (71-74) and Al Koch (47-51) get acquaintedArt Rainville (52-55), Tom Hoots (52-55) and Raymond Johnson (56-58) swap stories in the hospitality room

Battleship Cove Tour

USS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 Reunion
Jack Blonsick sights in a 20MM machine gun on the main deck of the USS Massachusetts.Calvin (Pat) Patterson debates whether to tackle a ladder on the USS Massachusetts.Members gather for the memorial service.
USS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 Reunion
Past president Bob Whitten (right) and current president W D Minter call the names and ring the ships bell for each departed shipmate.Plank owners Jim Helland and Paul Hecht prepare to cast a memorial wreath over the side.The group enjoys dinner in the ward room of the Massachusetts
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