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Ship's Gallery||Reunions||OZ Memorabilia

- 2001 Reunion -

Skeekonk, MA
Hospitality Room/Tour||Boston Navy Yard/JFK Library||Meeting/Banquet/Farewell
(click on images for larger view)

Business Meeting

USS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 Reunion 
WL (Bill) Jones has the floor.Association members listen to the discussion of a meeting topic.


USS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 Reunion
Ed and Ethel Heard, Ray and Georgina Lamoreux and Judy Patterson gather for the banquet.No generation gap here Olen Wilborn (52-55), Charles Akers (50-52) and Olen's grandson, Dustin Gribbs.Becky and Charlie Akers enjoying the festivities.
USS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 Reunion
A look at the crowd.Plank Owners In Attendance, Seated L to R, Jim Counselman, James Helland, James Burlingame Back Row L to R, Earl Thomsen, George Fink, Philip Ihme, Paul Hecht, Alan Walker, Werner Chors. Association president W D Minter (52-55) presents plaques to Paul Logan (46-47) and Paul Hecht (46-47) in appreciation for their many years of service to the Ozbourn Association.

Farewell Breakfast

USS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 ReunionUSS Ozbourn 2001 Reunion
Fred Conwell (48-51) gets ready to load up a plate at the buffet line.Enjoying one last meal together.It's all over but the "goodbyes" and "See you again in 2003" W L Jones (51-52), Tom Perkins (50-53) and Fred Conwell (48-51)
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