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Ship's Gallery||Reunions||OZ Memorabilia

- 2005 Reunion -

Charleston, SC
Charleston Historic Sites/Memorial||Socializing
(click on images for larger view)

Social and Hospitality

Friday night dinner cruise in Charleston Harbor Ship's store items in hospitality room Paul Logan and Robert Ringle in hospitality room at Radisson Hotel
Association officers: (L to R) Bill Jones, Recording Secretary; Warren Zschach, Treasurer; Ken Keene, Vice President; Rudy Boff, President
Gloria and Charles James Mr. & Mrs. Ray Gargus Mr. & Mrs. Paul Logan
The Hospitality Room Bob Whitten and Clark Reynolds
Swearing in (left to right): Bob Whitten, Rick Johnson, Rudy Boff, Ken Keene, Bill Jones, Warren Zscach Speaker Professor Clark Reynolds
Rudy & Arleen Boff - Helene & Warren Zschach at Saturday night banquet North Charleston High School JNROTC Color Guard at Saturday night banquet Treasurer, Warren Zschach receives service award from President Rudy Boff
Sunday "departure breakfast at Radisson Hotel The wives gather for a group picture Ozbourn shipmates gather for a group picture
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